warmly, 30°, very windy (see below)
today times without umlauts:
this morning in it see watching television did that a taifun (typhoon?) to shanghai to come is. and then possibly to the west of shanghai by-pull possibly becomes….
well class. what means it, what lies to the west of shanghai? clearly, suzhou. that can become cheerful. if, then he impacts so against Sunday.
the round orangene thing down right…
I can see alike times, how the Chinese multistoried buildings will bear in such a way. perhaps already times rubber boots and should umbrella procure…?
I believe, I am pursued.
here all day long an older lady rum jumps. always with a putzeimer, a cloth and a wiping mop in the hand. each day, all day long. with an open-plan office for approx. 50 people. those must also dead-strike the time. but deseams somehow always in mine sew.
I smile at it always nicely, and she also back… is determines a feeler gauge, hihi…
since we vacate here in rented outside of the work reside, a shuttle bus always drives to the work. also, in order to come in time to the cafeteria. o'clock drives off here at 12. and which means it, who always mitfaert? exactly, our finery devil… however: always with their finery things in the hand. their wiping mop carries along everywhere… very amusingly. is determines a secret laser weapon.
in all other respects the guard service always rides along. no notion why. clearly, to eat… however comes me also as a little as protect forwards. the bus driver lets also always which from those sign. yet behind the fact it did not rise whether protect or guard us…
but always very friendly. I believe, in Europeans do not dare those also so correctly ran. ever my bag did not have to show at the gate of the hauptwerk, with Chinese I had already several times observed that. but probably external, no coworkers?
here in the office there is good soul. our secretary. I go because of everyone shit to it. e.g. with it it me hand written Chinese on “pressure-Chinese” writes and equivalent still the translation in addition. (and latin the letters! so-called “pinyin”, so a kind lautsprache, but somehow then nevertheless again not. in any case “Chinese in Latin writing”) otherwise I can mailen nobody from you my new address. those could naturally never read you. and for the thick packages, which will send their to me all, it does not use anything, which abzumalen Chinese characters. that never folds! : -)
also she said to me with the cars. I am to address mine nevertheless boss, but say nothing of the fact that *sie* to it drew the attention of me. and I can make no bulk buying nevertheless, without a driver. as long as I do not have a car. it has the sovereignty over the driver pool. if I want to buy on weekend, then I am to only say. it sends then one to me dares… much class. taxi will go also… so inexpensive, if one compares it with Germany.
she speaks good German, without in Germany to have ever been.
here it is confirmed again the fact that one rather the secretaries when, on its side must have the bosses. without this contact nothing at all does not go. is probably world-wide valid.
jaja, I see already your comments: to the calming: is probably already older (can I estimate, straight bad with Asians) and married. to anticipate (only times over the comment of marcus!)
in all other respects I speak here nearly 50/50 German and English. are nevertheless some Chinese here, who can genuinly well German. are surprised!
I believe that I can do to some extent well English, but toppen me here nearly all. respect. with have they learn probably genuinly an iron discipline and sake strong. this is to be however at the future location in changsha different?! , the Chinese say here of the coast. I believe, the local Chinese look down a little upon upon " m the country. (does not want with “the Chinese” to generalize, my thereby my colleagues, with whom I me here maintenance) also one can hardly understand those. such an amusing dialect! reminds me of mine at home in Karlsruhe and my origin from the north… haha.
here it seems to be however worse. not only dialect, but correctly different language? colleague means, it would understand only 20-30%.
well class, asked today times for a Chinese teacher. that can save I then nearly…
evenly it begins to rain. and becomes also completely beautifully windy. probably already are the harbingers of the eddy tower….oh that is exciting.
then wird's afterwards heavily to get a taxi.
are straight to superior, what I need for the new dwelling… determine other bedlinen, a large broad mattress is. there does not fit my mitbebrachtes things drauf. there it occurs to me that that is probably a 1,90m mattress… that is here standard… ohje, that which will give… naja, will times look.
with the river also so a thing becomes. in the hotel I used adapters. had at the rezeption. only times loud it thought that I became braeuchte the perhaps… schwupps called of yselin a driver, “loosely, procures”. evenly it came back and it to me brought. 10 yuan…
“I am and not to be been versed” will have there one strangely here me nevertheless to support.
thus I will never become acquainted with the country. but probably they want only that I work enough and do not deliver me with so useless of things…
or however they wanted to save me that instead of 10yuan 20 are unbuttoned to a foreigner… was to also occur.
wenn's on weekend in such a way to storm should, then I will do myself times Chinese course on CD to mine. it does not believe that that brings much. to receive but around times a feeling for it.
see well, times. wanted to actually go shopping on weekend into the city and. auf's weather arrives however now drauf.