ok, of headphone drops already an ear, but no matter, because it anyway hardly comes understandable of things….
main thing the airplane does not fall still which other one off…
business class is occupied only to 2/3. and, one hardly believes it….5 children… must be? for those would be economy still luxury, which concerns the place.
that costs! families do not see however in such a way thicken out… completely normal people actually.
supplement: I believe, there the fathers job-moderately to China went, and the family had also.
oh, it sees that I mean „mirrors “at the airport lie-let… arggghhh, had I already drauf been pleased had. but the girls at the entrance the lounge have all shanghai fliers proclaimed that one is nevertheless now please already completely fast to the boron thing, it would go in former times loosely… well, into hektik then to bar lie calmly… at least the daily papers eingesackt….
worse gives…
now were subject for enter distributed, which must fill out everyone.
there I am to indicate among other things whether I have AIDS etc.
and which I bring along on valuable of things.
am I to indicate laptop there now to mine? actually everything that than 5000 yuan is more expensive (~500€). But afterwards I must pay tariff on it…? times „NO has “marked, times to see, what happens.
now here does the light go out… sleeping time? over briefly after 21uhr?
well, straight times one cognac orders… becomes to tired (b-C is like that class!)
later perhaps once again more….
oh, straight fly we over Leningrad away….
directly times a photo make… whether' s which becomes?

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