covered, 35°, moistens air (temperatures have still air upward, said one to me)
humans, there he has me nevertheless evenly genuinly beschissen. yuan it has 1 me less rausgeben… tja. with a price of transportation of 15yuan (1,50€) for a quarter a genuine impact grants in the kontor…
but it concerns to stop the principle, gell?!
drauf in all other respects always it respects whether they are jubilant you counterfeit money. does not happen to me (still). however always see, how the taxi-fahrer look exactly, which with seems is the matter. thus probably potential danger…
the time in the office passes super fast. still. stop imprints new colleagues and new.
yesterday was the whole department eat. mega geil!! determines ten courses (rather more).
no notion, which all this was. but the hammer was Peking duck! knew you that of it only strikes in thin touched one abgeschnippelt? then into small fladen with vegetable and sauce wound. looks as mini yufka kebab. and madly lecker! the hammer!
jet-lay seems to be also past…
yesterday a few beers and then well slept. this morning then fit been.
tomorrow I look at myself first apartment. perhaps klappt's already on weekend with the removal. hotel is ok… however own dwelling is naturally much better. then I will buy also soon a bicycle.
my boss meant, I was to make the Chinese driving licence nevertheless. but to do not drive has I no desire… am life tired nevertheless here! do not explain are enough, must you to have seen…
ADD: there it notices to me nevertheless that it is safer in the car than auf'm bicycle… must again more drüber think.
examination seems to be simple. theory part the driving teacher fills out, practice part is called at locked place in-parks and a circle drives, or so similarly…
times look,… if it itself devoted should….
here straight seem to be remaining 3 car of the department. whether I one to take do not want…? one believes that?! but neenee, leave I rather.
so, here still another picture, evenly straight from my room made. nix dolles to show but over that around seven is already stick dark…
with straight must write me again to change over. in the business English keyboard and here German… (, I try the 10-finger system!)
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