… is completely beautifully important. one notices only if man's no more does not have…
this morning nevertheless smoothly the water went out. fortunately already on toilet been. : -)
but in the middle with tooth-deseam… blubblubblub… water away. but one took precautions. since the tap water anyway only to shower, etc. washes off to use is, has one always a drinking water donor at the start. fortunately. so I could confidently nevertheless still deseam then.
thought already, I would have forgotten to pay wasserrechnug but after ten minutes was everything again there. meanwhile an ingenious coffee drunk.
around eight Chinese teacher came. it is glad that I must only write here, because with are straight speak nix. the knot from my tongue is not yet again raus… ohje, which will give which. today only discussion of the syllables experienced. which is called “only”?! that is the heaviest at all. vokabeln? ok, which one must again learn in each language. fortunately it gives as apparent well as no grammar.

but others also learned that. then I will probably be able to do it. does not seem so heavy nevertheless at all. learn even small children here. : -)
letztens I bought, admit myself an ingenious kitchen measurers from each kung fu film. my Jack of all trades in the kitchen.
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