that was not anything with the driving licence. I was probably too stupid…
no, had another reason, I have only one f-visa. permits to make for me here „business “to work but not. I can rumreisen, visit companies, do not negotiate etc. to work not firmly however here.
a so-called z-visa, which then the correct visa for work is, still is in work. and exactly I need this for the driving licence. is again and knew none. it would be also laughed that times which folds at first attempt (except kontoeroeffung, but there it wants which from me, i.e. my money).
now it presents itself however unfortunately with the visa in such a way that I work officially in changsha. there there are again different regulates than in suzhou. in order to get this by along working, I must leave the country once again! then again to RH entry and within 30 meet for at least one week in changsha work.
that means now thus: one weekend Hong Kong! purely, departure stamp China fetch, raus, entry stamp China fetch. would go also on one day (9uhr purely, 12uhr raus). but if I fly already times there, then I would like to see not only the airport and to company pay the flight. I pay hotel.
if I will fly Saturday on Sunday if' s were work time, it would go naturally only one-day.
yesterday a few people from the hauptwerk become acquainted with. above all trainees and work students. (ohje, I feel old, can remind me still exactly however of my trainee existence).
with those into the city, eat gone. cutter found, for 500rmb the inclusive. material of suits massschneidert, also shirts etc., times look. has actually three suits thereby, which are enough. but so more custom-made…? in former times the cutter had delivery times of 3 to probably meet, today 2 weeks, riesenbusiness with the trainees, here covers itself up.
and in shanghai one is to be able oneself to leave allegedly for narrow money shoes massschneider. has however only 12 few here thereby. : -)
times a week final route constituted. into the yellow, postcard China saves. Friday evening to Monday mornings, with night train, more hardsleeper.
to the 1.oktober, establishment day of China, gives' s few meets freely. company is too. Saturday until Friday. but Saturday and Sunday drauf working days! that is, one gets three meets by the state/company around scarcely one week fully too gotten, frees one Thursday and Friday after and works stop Saturday and Sunday. it sounds itself first times weak-intimately however sense makes, if one knows that then China on the legs is whole and very long course travels are necessary etc., in order to e.g. visit its family. since custom one meets to stop more. and simply so the whole week freely give? … nee, so far is not one in China (still).
in this week the full travel chaos must probably prevail. half China is not then on the way, no flights, courses, no penalty, nix. everything completely written off. nothing with cosy „China-look at “for expats. here there is already nearly „what make I only in this week panic “under the Germans. I will very probably fly with a well-known in this time to Singapore. hautpsache raus from China. costs are able, but squat better than at home. and when does one come times so evenly to Singapore? are still 5 grant flight of shanghai. if one asks around, is there nevertheless some, which go also to Singapore. perhaps on the way back still to three meet to Hong Kong? times look, or Malaysia, little piz buin make…?
everything hears itself to cost dekandent on, is however completely beautifully expensively, there main travel time in China, accordingly. as said, if one is already times here, one must also use. see as my regular vacation, this year. had still none. oh nevertheless, one week ibiza. but hardly counts.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
so, today to some extent was the weather, so that it was enough for a little bicycle-driven.
3,5 grants through suzhou. so approximate direction to a park stamped. city center of suzhou is not more or less rectangular developed, there can one so fast proceed itself. if one does not know so completely nevertheless any longer, where one is, one can drive on simply. any large road comes then already. one regains those then also in the map.
much seen.
partly into quarter came, where I did not dare then any longer to unpack my digi cam. very ärmlich and dirty. I was noticeable, like a multicolored dog. or stop like a long nose. wanted few imprints secretly nevertheless make, from the people. but those angestarrt in such a way me everything that I could make no pictures from those then. would have been too remarkable.
otherwise been in a beautiful garden. “the humble administrator's guards” such a quatschname. was completely nice, but has me not from the socks gehauen now.
on that away after-live me a smaller young, sitting on one e-mobilely, driven from his nut/mother, addressed: “hello, what's your name?” that was perhaps 4 years old. seems English here much “hipp”. the older can do it hardly, send probably however its children on private to English-train. who ascended with China at the start to also be correctly far in front wants, needs English. completely clearly. becomes also immediately apparent at the content.
sometimes I will run by in with “hello!” responded. simply so. nix with quatschen, but simply only nicely greeting. (no, no small Chineses!)
had a little bammel before traffic. anarchy is still arranged opposite what happens here. equivalent times an accident seen, is such a small “tucktuck” (as are actually called in China?) fallen down. probably completely beautifully pain did.
my strategy: always just as slowly drive, as the Chinese. always afterwards-drive the Chinese, who knows, wann's is safe. bell use.
here all look only forward. thus: if everyone looks forward, then also it does not look custom one whether behind one one is. simply turn, or trace change. makes nevertheless nix. behind me it sees nevertheless that I turn! where is the problem?! behind me, where he drives, not I am nevertheless to look… the problem am only: drive two next to each other and none look to the side, but only forward… ohje…
afterwards still a little Chinese learn and which to cook. I make, to eat go have alone still none worth. maps in Chinese…
3,5 grants through suzhou. so approximate direction to a park stamped. city center of suzhou is not more or less rectangular developed, there can one so fast proceed itself. if one does not know so completely nevertheless any longer, where one is, one can drive on simply. any large road comes then already. one regains those then also in the map.
much seen.
partly into quarter came, where I did not dare then any longer to unpack my digi cam. very ärmlich and dirty. I was noticeable, like a multicolored dog. or stop like a long nose. wanted few imprints secretly nevertheless make, from the people. but those angestarrt in such a way me everything that I could make no pictures from those then. would have been too remarkable.
otherwise been in a beautiful garden. “the humble administrator's guards” such a quatschname. was completely nice, but has me not from the socks gehauen now.
on that away after-live me a smaller young, sitting on one e-mobilely, driven from his nut/mother, addressed: “hello, what's your name?” that was perhaps 4 years old. seems English here much “hipp”. the older can do it hardly, send probably however its children on private to English-train. who ascended with China at the start to also be correctly far in front wants, needs English. completely clearly. becomes also immediately apparent at the content.
sometimes I will run by in with “hello!” responded. simply so. nix with quatschen, but simply only nicely greeting. (no, no small Chineses!)
had a little bammel before traffic. anarchy is still arranged opposite what happens here. equivalent times an accident seen, is such a small “tucktuck” (as are actually called in China?) fallen down. probably completely beautifully pain did.
my strategy: always just as slowly drive, as the Chinese. always afterwards-drive the Chinese, who knows, wann's is safe. bell use.
here all look only forward. thus: if everyone looks forward, then also it does not look custom one whether behind one one is. simply turn, or trace change. makes nevertheless nix. behind me it sees nevertheless that I turn! where is the problem?! behind me, where he drives, not I am nevertheless to look… the problem am only: drive two next to each other and none look to the side, but only forward… ohje…
afterwards still a little Chinese learn and which to cook. I make, to eat go have alone still none worth. maps in Chinese…

was on week final purchase. rains all day long, cannot go not with bicycle on investigation route. one goes shoppen stop.
amusing things, dried lizards, or so similarly. seepferdchen, also dried. and living turtles. not when, but also to eat domestic animal.
small Chinese made lucky. promotionstand for filled up green dte with *viel* sugar. whether I would not like to try times. naja, tasted in such a way lala. however it protested that he is completely mad. whether I not which to buy would like? TC, the poorest stood there certainly already all day long and not yet a bottle loose-became. ok, showed then pities and two bottles bought. oh, the day was saved to its friends which for it, it is lucky and has this evening to tell.
lion castle
… is called here around hits a corner a restaurant/bar. there I was yesterday with a colleague. giant-load and completely chick. none chinakitsch.
by Germans and has Swiss manager was probably opened. there gives also shred with pommes and in such a way things and brewed beer! lecker! and expensively! for Chinese conditions. the public looked like something “upper class”. but only something. and the mandatory philipino bound. had a few minutes to wait on the colleagues and, as usual, directly times to bar placed itself. they looked all completely amusingly. load was well visited, but nobody, except me, stood to bar. isn't so usual perhaps?
equivalent times a few wheat (!) gepitcht. then with my new proudly, my bicycle, home. watch out for traffic! ohje.
first times directly brake shoes lost. could it however again in-collect. one finds quality not directly at first attempt in China. well, on weekend then times my bicycle with daylight examine and everything on bolt. probably-whitish times first little 'tools " in the supermarket procure.
yesterday second grants Chinese had. disaster. this discussion. for central Europeans probably a thing of the impossibility. for me in any case.
teacher was nevertheless completely content with me (me unexplainably). but break to me fully one off thereby. only hiss and kraechzen. only minimum differences in the discussion, equal another word. not the correct clay/tone met, equal completely different meaning.
if you e.g. express any word in English to some extent badly, yours understands you opposite nevertheless. (think thereby of the German discussion in the English… hihi). but the Chinese do not understand you then any longer, because you from their understanding only quatsch (last already times a success!) tell. or it is not recognized times as Chinese. : -)
are genuinly something frustrated. not times the simplest hires say to be able, is genuinly shits. after three weeks I cannot say to the taxifahrer correctly yet, where I live. genuinly something has pitch with my address, the full tongue crusher! there gibt's simpler street names.
straight sms of mine relocation managers get whether mine would still go sow tv. yesterday also of colleagues it belongs that it will not function with them. I am to let the map exchange nevertheless times again.
I did not notice yet at all. there one sees times, how watch television here me interested. from where also?! I looked nevertheless always so gladly in Germany. if one believes, 9live or super rtl is trash, Chinese or philipinisches tv toppen of everything! here I am glad that I do not understand anything; -)
so, times again to my favourite topic: eat. I find it nevertheless funny, if it becomes the Chinese too bloed, their to rice with the staebchen aufzupicken, then also a fork take. do not in place of myself I thus alone so stupidly. and piece meat is also gladly times cut, so correctly with measurer and fork. today seen. nix more also between the staebchen wedge, head down, meat high and then abbeissen. separate now also into “western style”
colleague of me wants to drive possibly next weekend to shanghai, on the material market. 5meter to buy and thus then the cutter, suit or trousers or shirts or or or make leave. wenn's so far to be should, then I probably go along. very much geil. I cannot differentiate unfortunately times silk from polyester… only became it there me probably loosely to abzocken.
naja, auf'm fakemarket in shanghai I know that everything is falsified. but the quality is partly nevertheless amazingly good. 10% by the entrance price seem to be a good price. say the Chinese colleagues. maximally 15. that will become then a geschacher… amis to pay allegedly each price and be pleased itself still thereby. but makes praise broken. the entrance price seems already risen, for which still act. if one can believe current thread in the Internet. there become the latter praise, which one reached, regularly geposted. orientation for newcomers.
straight wars I of our secretary a cup become green to dte brought. (to her see, also at the umlauts, I make a straight easy time-out in the office).
in former times coffee-addicted been in the office. here gibts nix, except water. and stop dte. bring along. have however nix, thus wars I so, somehow.
times again 'ne round ice cream must jump let. 3yuan for magnum, hihi…
by Germans and has Swiss manager was probably opened. there gives also shred with pommes and in such a way things and brewed beer! lecker! and expensively! for Chinese conditions. the public looked like something “upper class”. but only something. and the mandatory philipino bound. had a few minutes to wait on the colleagues and, as usual, directly times to bar placed itself. they looked all completely amusingly. load was well visited, but nobody, except me, stood to bar. isn't so usual perhaps?
equivalent times a few wheat (!) gepitcht. then with my new proudly, my bicycle, home. watch out for traffic! ohje.
first times directly brake shoes lost. could it however again in-collect. one finds quality not directly at first attempt in China. well, on weekend then times my bicycle with daylight examine and everything on bolt. probably-whitish times first little 'tools " in the supermarket procure.
yesterday second grants Chinese had. disaster. this discussion. for central Europeans probably a thing of the impossibility. for me in any case.
teacher was nevertheless completely content with me (me unexplainably). but break to me fully one off thereby. only hiss and kraechzen. only minimum differences in the discussion, equal another word. not the correct clay/tone met, equal completely different meaning.
if you e.g. express any word in English to some extent badly, yours understands you opposite nevertheless. (think thereby of the German discussion in the English… hihi). but the Chinese do not understand you then any longer, because you from their understanding only quatsch (last already times a success!) tell. or it is not recognized times as Chinese. : -)
are genuinly something frustrated. not times the simplest hires say to be able, is genuinly shits. after three weeks I cannot say to the taxifahrer correctly yet, where I live. genuinly something has pitch with my address, the full tongue crusher! there gibt's simpler street names.
straight sms of mine relocation managers get whether mine would still go sow tv. yesterday also of colleagues it belongs that it will not function with them. I am to let the map exchange nevertheless times again.
I did not notice yet at all. there one sees times, how watch television here me interested. from where also?! I looked nevertheless always so gladly in Germany. if one believes, 9live or super rtl is trash, Chinese or philipinisches tv toppen of everything! here I am glad that I do not understand anything; -)
so, times again to my favourite topic: eat. I find it nevertheless funny, if it becomes the Chinese too bloed, their to rice with the staebchen aufzupicken, then also a fork take. do not in place of myself I thus alone so stupidly. and piece meat is also gladly times cut, so correctly with measurer and fork. today seen. nix more also between the staebchen wedge, head down, meat high and then abbeissen. separate now also into “western style”
colleague of me wants to drive possibly next weekend to shanghai, on the material market. 5meter to buy and thus then the cutter, suit or trousers or shirts or or or make leave. wenn's so far to be should, then I probably go along. very much geil. I cannot differentiate unfortunately times silk from polyester… only became it there me probably loosely to abzocken.
naja, auf'm fakemarket in shanghai I know that everything is falsified. but the quality is partly nevertheless amazingly good. 10% by the entrance price seem to be a good price. say the Chinese colleagues. maximally 15. that will become then a geschacher… amis to pay allegedly each price and be pleased itself still thereby. but makes praise broken. the entrance price seems already risen, for which still act. if one can believe current thread in the Internet. there become the latter praise, which one reached, regularly geposted. orientation for newcomers.
straight wars I of our secretary a cup become green to dte brought. (to her see, also at the umlauts, I make a straight easy time-out in the office).
in former times coffee-addicted been in the office. here gibts nix, except water. and stop dte. bring along. have however nix, thus wars I so, somehow.
times again 'ne round ice cream must jump let. 3yuan for magnum, hihi…
feng huang

… is called my bicycle. “phönix”!
was this evening bicycle buy. is also not much larger, than the other mini bikes. but the saddle seaweeds look here somewhat more substantially, so that I dare to leave this somewhat further outside. first they showed me “to send” the new wheels. but that was not all anything. when I wanted to give up, they showed me such a classical Chinese bicycle. class. technology of annodazumal. no correct brake etc.
well, that had now ago! 445rmb with basket and closed.
completely relaxed with flowing move after-live geradelt and was pleased like a small child. nix gear shift etc. and nevertheless mostly faster than the e-mobile. but move with is nix with brake, watch out!
but I feel “free” now!
interesting thing today experiences. me a colleague wanted to show on the map, where bicycle-loaded is. I asked it to note me the road please in Chinese characters. was not so simple at all for it, because on the map the names stood in the lateinisierten version. and the syllables are not to be translated then so easily into characters. probably gives over 50.000 characters, and also different for the same “clay/tone”. he did not know then, which was to be used characters now. only after he had asked some colleagues, who were not also, it could note me it. interesting. the Chinese calmed thus also so their difficulties down with their writing/language…. hab's then does not use however at all, because before stepped out of taxi and then walked.
driving licence
allegedly I am to be able to make next Tuesday the driving licence… times to look. tomorrow work permit is to come, then I have all papers together. amusingly, after a passport photo they did not ask me. doesn't one need that?
in any case had my German driving licence (the old, olle grey still!) to be completely officially translated, with stamp and everything dedöns. laughter was large, when my picture was rumgezeigt. there I was straight 16! had to laugh.
then probably get one Volkswagen-polo. those have here all fear that I could not clean-fit, but the fear I could take to them.
would have also a Chinese dare to take to be able. “brilliance”. is larger. gladly that would times have driven, but our secretary in such a way decided. “Chinese cars are suited to nothing and make only annoyance”. well, then stop not.
blog write has also which from relaxation. one can let the day revue happen again. today gab's again lecker noon. and which believes it, what gave it there under all the other leckeren things? meat cheese! one hardly believes it. now presents you times, how one eats meat cheese with stäbchen?! much fun! or also pizza?!
I would like you times the two most important button in a modern Chinese house to show:
No. 1, the alarm button. once press, then stands security before the door.
with unblocking key. why actually is beside the bed? and only there?
No. 2, the most important at all, for Chinese:
for what should be good? the right button is it, in each elevator.
not yet correctly in it, but already the “door too” button pressed. do not give away one second. and blows, one is with several people in an elevator and none in sews presses this button. ohje. “loosely, button press!” on Chinese…
instead they could save enormously time, if they left the people first times to out pastes, instead of same reinzudrängeln.
in any case had my German driving licence (the old, olle grey still!) to be completely officially translated, with stamp and everything dedöns. laughter was large, when my picture was rumgezeigt. there I was straight 16! had to laugh.
then probably get one Volkswagen-polo. those have here all fear that I could not clean-fit, but the fear I could take to them.
would have also a Chinese dare to take to be able. “brilliance”. is larger. gladly that would times have driven, but our secretary in such a way decided. “Chinese cars are suited to nothing and make only annoyance”. well, then stop not.
blog write has also which from relaxation. one can let the day revue happen again. today gab's again lecker noon. and which believes it, what gave it there under all the other leckeren things? meat cheese! one hardly believes it. now presents you times, how one eats meat cheese with stäbchen?! much fun! or also pizza?!
I would like you times the two most important button in a modern Chinese house to show:
No. 1, the alarm button. once press, then stands security before the door.
with unblocking key. why actually is beside the bed? and only there?
No. 2, the most important at all, for Chinese:
for what should be good? the right button is it, in each elevator.
not yet correctly in it, but already the “door too” button pressed. do not give away one second. and blows, one is with several people in an elevator and none in sews presses this button. ohje. “loosely, button press!” on Chinese…
instead they could save enormously time, if they left the people first times to out pastes, instead of same reinzudrängeln.

… is completely beautifully important. one notices only if man's no more does not have…
this morning nevertheless smoothly the water went out. fortunately already on toilet been. : -)
but in the middle with tooth-deseam… blubblubblub… water away. but one took precautions. since the tap water anyway only to shower, etc. washes off to use is, has one always a drinking water donor at the start. fortunately. so I could confidently nevertheless still deseam then.
thought already, I would have forgotten to pay wasserrechnug but after ten minutes was everything again there. meanwhile an ingenious coffee drunk.
around eight Chinese teacher came. it is glad that I must only write here, because with are straight speak nix. the knot from my tongue is not yet again raus… ohje, which will give which. today only discussion of the syllables experienced. which is called “only”?! that is the heaviest at all. vokabeln? ok, which one must again learn in each language. fortunately it gives as apparent well as no grammar.

but others also learned that. then I will probably be able to do it. does not seem so heavy nevertheless at all. learn even small children here. : -)
letztens I bought, admit myself an ingenious kitchen measurers from each kung fu film. my Jack of all trades in the kitchen.
… ok, ok, gesündigt straight. evenly run by “pizza John” and full gelüste on pizza gekriegt. once “tons go” for 110rmb, which for a price. on it others live few meet. me thereafter genuinly annoyed (and a little been ashamed).
beautiful music belongs (pavarotti). can you you hereby listen to. no fear. .exe file is clean…
today again to the bank, river pay, was nevertheless the latter times the computer defective. had therefore today again hindackeln (Sundays! ingeniously!). folded. still mine wanted to then pay festnetztelefon (prepaid). but but then again the other computer did not go. thus again…
since the largest light of the 100rmb is here, gibt's problems with the many seem, if it is times a higher money. with take off gibt's then a plastic bag in addition, for which many money-bundle. a photo wanted to make, but schwupps were bundle already eingesackt. in addition somewhat delicately to photograph in a bank or? accustom me lately the knipsen from the wrist on. macht's also more easily, if one wants to photograph people.
afterwards walk.
are afflicted with a cold. air conditioning system in the bedroom forget to constitute. stood only on 25° (that is here cool!). but probably gekriegt a “course”.
beautiful music belongs (pavarotti). can you you hereby listen to. no fear. .exe file is clean…
today again to the bank, river pay, was nevertheless the latter times the computer defective. had therefore today again hindackeln (Sundays! ingeniously!). folded. still mine wanted to then pay festnetztelefon (prepaid). but but then again the other computer did not go. thus again…
since the largest light of the 100rmb is here, gibt's problems with the many seem, if it is times a higher money. with take off gibt's then a plastic bag in addition, for which many money-bundle. a photo wanted to make, but schwupps were bundle already eingesackt. in addition somewhat delicately to photograph in a bank or? accustom me lately the knipsen from the wrist on. macht's also more easily, if one wants to photograph people.
afterwards walk.
are afflicted with a cold. air conditioning system in the bedroom forget to constitute. stood only on 25° (that is here cool!). but probably gekriegt a “course”.
… is very tough that Internet. no notion that it lies, but surfen is hardly possible. barely came, in order to be able to write. Web radio and skype do not go as well as.
naja, wanted to result in actually today after shanghai, has itself however differently. a completely beautiful head and thus shanghaitour on tomorrow or weekend shifted close width unit.
under gibt's 'nen completely good forum. mainly shanghai stuff in addition, other cities. became acquainted with Munich there, which lives for one and a half years here and met yesterday with which I. teammate of him participated also still also.
became a very merry and violent evening. we have ourselves around hit a corner here met and are then with the taxi into the city into the tavern area. load only, where a philipinische bound abgerockt. were completely good and tendency class. public mixed, 50:50 Chinese and foreigner. here probably many Germans. few become acquainted with and well gepitcht. before the door gab's a small road grill, that regularly mirror-image-eat and roasted fish clean-brought… more leckerschmecker. beer 20rmb, completely beautifully expensively for Chinese conditions. but was also “laowai” - (“foreigners” -) tavern. all the same. tasted.
then against later still further into a disse. there however nix more was the matter. still two Englishmen become acquainted with, that give English instruction.
on the roads still completely beautifully which hits a corner loosely and at everyone a grill. well for small hunger occasionally.
but still richig hunger get and immediately into a Chinese lunch. brokkoli with garlic, noodles with chickens and mushrooms. also lecker. half five then again at home impacted and this morning a megafire and a headache had. stand probably nix more or the beer was bad. : -)
dwelling is pikkobello, ayi everything great made. even washed. it would iron also, has only no iron and - board. times sees, what costs in such a way. possibly procure? actually I bring the shirts to the cleaning, pay the company. and to iron it does not need socks really.
yesterday also finally my other things came from Germany. nearly four weeks took. but everything i.o tariff opened nix. probably one analyzed?
tomorrow unpack everything. today to it genuinly no more desire.
naja, wanted to result in actually today after shanghai, has itself however differently. a completely beautiful head and thus shanghaitour on tomorrow or weekend shifted close width unit.
under gibt's 'nen completely good forum. mainly shanghai stuff in addition, other cities. became acquainted with Munich there, which lives for one and a half years here and met yesterday with which I. teammate of him participated also still also.
became a very merry and violent evening. we have ourselves around hit a corner here met and are then with the taxi into the city into the tavern area. load only, where a philipinische bound abgerockt. were completely good and tendency class. public mixed, 50:50 Chinese and foreigner. here probably many Germans. few become acquainted with and well gepitcht. before the door gab's a small road grill, that regularly mirror-image-eat and roasted fish clean-brought… more leckerschmecker. beer 20rmb, completely beautifully expensively for Chinese conditions. but was also “laowai” - (“foreigners” -) tavern. all the same. tasted.
then against later still further into a disse. there however nix more was the matter. still two Englishmen become acquainted with, that give English instruction.
on the roads still completely beautifully which hits a corner loosely and at everyone a grill. well for small hunger occasionally.
but still richig hunger get and immediately into a Chinese lunch. brokkoli with garlic, noodles with chickens and mushrooms. also lecker. half five then again at home impacted and this morning a megafire and a headache had. stand probably nix more or the beer was bad. : -)
dwelling is pikkobello, ayi everything great made. even washed. it would iron also, has only no iron and - board. times sees, what costs in such a way. possibly procure? actually I bring the shirts to the cleaning, pay the company. and to iron it does not need socks really.
yesterday also finally my other things came from Germany. nearly four weeks took. but everything i.o tariff opened nix. probably one analyzed?
tomorrow unpack everything. today to it genuinly no more desire.
visiting cards

I got today.
the name is so similarly expressed somehow “wŭ maỲ” or. me broke one off, with the after-spoken.
there my Chinese teacher can help me. she got today presented and starting from next week Monday tomorrow and Thursday evening me that will Chinese teach. (the poorest!).
actually I wanted to present proudly my bicycle here. but none found in my size. no chance. saddle and steering wheel let test run in the supermarket (that was a fun, for the Chinese) make specially high. but fiddle everything nothing brought. and in vain 300rmb on the head to strike I did not want then nevertheless. the colleagues do not know also, where there could be larger.
but today mean boss angehauen wg. driving licence. he means, if goes through that my company pays, then wird's also more simply to argue a car.
weather is well bearable today. times see, wenn's like that on Saturday to also be should, perhaps then I will drive with the bus to shanghai. fakemarket! need turnschuhe… and few polos.
today constituted. on Friday begins my ayi. times see, wie's becomes. first time that I have one “cleaning woman”. but they are also payable here. today my keys gave the personnel department. those worry about all further… except the payment; -)
here the straight world goes down. was all day long already diesig and no outlines in the sky. only everything light-grey. now it all the more gewittert. straight seems to be exact over our house. are correctly frightened even.
today frauke birthday has. have telephoned, also with to befriend, which are straight there. is amusing and sad.
here the straight world goes down. was all day long already diesig and no outlines in the sky. only everything light-grey. now it all the more gewittert. straight seems to be exact over our house. are correctly frightened even.
today frauke birthday has. have telephoned, also with to befriend, which are straight there. is amusing and sad.
sidecalls!! seems in such a way, as if you look regularly come! sometime today in run the daily was the 1000ste at the start. gives to win however nix, except my sympathy!
Thursday introduces itself a Chinese teacher! and a finery assistance comes probably next week. everything over our personnel department. class service!
stop! that does not mean that my company also paid… the nee, nee, I pay beautifully. is however to some extent favorable, none ensure.
Thursday introduces itself a Chinese teacher! and a finery assistance comes probably next week. everything over our personnel department. class service!
stop! that does not mean that my company also paid… the nee, nee, I pay beautifully. is however to some extent favorable, none ensure.

an ingenious found Internet-served. there one can let German television broadcasts take up and then via Internet look at oneself. very much class.
now one could think, what is to watch television I in China with German. is actually correct, but to release so correctly I cannot yet and sport-look would like I nevertheless completely gladly to then see. live radio has via Internet and yesterday came Bavarian against Bavaria in the Chinese to watch television live. but nothing goes over sport-looks. this morning looked at.
has here over 80 (!) channels, but *alle* shits! except sometimes Germans and stop waves cctv5 with football. otherwise you can forget everything here! or does someone want to do itself 'philipino klasik " (sic)?
owing to ingenious DSL connection yesterday “sin town center” down-loaded. this evening then again the e-book-expenditure of the “mirror”. although I last the two yet at all did not spend read. but at the laptop is not read as beautifully, as a genuine magazine in the hand.
regard me as a room stool, but today I go paying my phone bill only to the bank. otherwise I remain in my cool dwelling. outside it is hardly to be borne, finds I (!). gives few, those find that to class, but I do not need this damp heat.
afterwards try times my washing machine out. I brought shirts yesterday to the cleaning. iron nevertheless here on and ayi have I (still) do not catch not.
can help their me times with the program to select…
if someone means now, after two weeks first time the washing machine start…? nee, before I in the apartment pulled, again to wash leave everything in the hotel. and to the calming: I have enough thereby. but slowly times my supply could come from Germany. hangs still in the tariff. forwarding business could move also times more! now takes over 3 1/2 weeks.
today with the bank OF China an account opens. went amazingly easily. first times ingenious opening times. *jeden* day up!
giant queue at the switches. am I to there now employ myself, or which? afterwards do I stand a half grant on, in order to then notice that mine does not understand me opposite?
at another switch, where no humans lined up (?) I asked then in English, where and how I an account open can. the lady pressed me then a form into the hand that I am to fill out. class, on Chinese. it made then. only to mine passport wanted to see and telephone number and residence. then I had with the whole stuff then nevertheless to the long queue. went however quickly. before me 3 people have in each case euro deposited and not like that few. how come at euro?
after a half had I grant my account, with automat map and pin which I select itself could. i.e. I had to enter it several times and then had my map the pin, which I wanted. practically!
weather was today mörderisch. wanted actually directly thereafter into the city. but was completely schwummrig me from the heat. are then first times again after-live. in the afternoon then nevertheless times into the city center kutschiert.
a heap pictures, you made for you up
to look at can. Design is not sophisticated yet. but imprints for first wird's are probably enough. in order to follow also all requests to show a few pictures.
are not on remote controlled tourist route here, but work to.
giant queue at the switches. am I to there now employ myself, or which? afterwards do I stand a half grant on, in order to then notice that mine does not understand me opposite?
at another switch, where no humans lined up (?) I asked then in English, where and how I an account open can. the lady pressed me then a form into the hand that I am to fill out. class, on Chinese. it made then. only to mine passport wanted to see and telephone number and residence. then I had with the whole stuff then nevertheless to the long queue. went however quickly. before me 3 people have in each case euro deposited and not like that few. how come at euro?
after a half had I grant my account, with automat map and pin which I select itself could. i.e. I had to enter it several times and then had my map the pin, which I wanted. practically!
weather was today mörderisch. wanted actually directly thereafter into the city. but was completely schwummrig me from the heat. are then first times again after-live. in the afternoon then nevertheless times into the city center kutschiert.
a heap pictures, you made for you up
to look at can. Design is not sophisticated yet. but imprints for first wird's are probably enough. in order to follow also all requests to show a few pictures.
are not on remote controlled tourist route here, but work to.

lin left

… could make I driver straight still understandable for the taxi. it thought directly, I could do Chinese and me vollgequatscht. when then from me nix more came, he probably meant: such an arrogant foreigner.
that is the name of the neighborhood center around the something further hits a corner here. a few small shops and this week gibt's completely many small conditions the freshly made eat there offer.
first gab's mirror-image-eat with meat, then dumplings (tortelliniähnlich, without sauce), baked crabs and to the conclusion paste with spinach in oil roasted. everything very much lecker!
I was always examined, which the foreigner buys in such a way. and above all as it eats. well, ob's with the stäbchen folds? oh, he can. and all thanked you beautifully, if I then times up to order it (with fumble) created. because the Chinese actually does not worry about queues or the like. there from the rear times strongly one presses. would be nevertheless laughed, if one could not itself times evenly at ten people vorbeidrängeln. and all try that. but in the league I can along-play also well.
no problem.
then I could up-say even once again learned sentence to mine. “which costs that?”. geil, he had understood, believes me genuinly I. me equal vollgequatscht. only I understood again nix, until me mine showed drängelnachbar a 10rmb-schein. ok, everything clearly! was also most expensive. I believe that have me abgezockt… well, all the same. fullly for 20rmb.
in the company they planned to teach to me each day a new sentence which I will need… find I class.
weather like always, also times blue sky. to some extent to bear heat today
has today times the personnel department angehauen because of Chinese to learn. those procure to me a teacher, I are to only clarify, who pays.
teachers cost in such a way around the 25-50rmb grant. are students of the local university.
for the money do not make I paper war with my company. that pay I.
they will present to me “few” and I are “to select itself” one. as on the slave market. they, I mean am to select myself that, which is me at the sympatischsten. see well, times…
went to me yesterday completely beautifully on the bag to be able to ask nothing.
has a beginning he language course of pons. with CD, so that one receives at least one feeling for the discussion. I sag' you: forget it! already the thing has in hits a corner thrown after a chapter. the simplest syllables are unpronounceable for me. and actually does not fall me sowas heavily… *frust*
Saturday must (!) open OF China, account to the bank. for my travel expenses. whether which becomes?
has today times the personnel department angehauen because of Chinese to learn. those procure to me a teacher, I are to only clarify, who pays.
teachers cost in such a way around the 25-50rmb grant. are students of the local university.
for the money do not make I paper war with my company. that pay I.
they will present to me “few” and I are “to select itself” one. as on the slave market. they, I mean am to select myself that, which is me at the sympatischsten. see well, times…
went to me yesterday completely beautifully on the bag to be able to ask nothing.
has a beginning he language course of pons. with CD, so that one receives at least one feeling for the discussion. I sag' you: forget it! already the thing has in hits a corner thrown after a chapter. the simplest syllables are unpronounceable for me. and actually does not fall me sowas heavily… *frust*
Saturday must (!) open OF China, account to the bank. for my travel expenses. whether which becomes?
or the supermarket was called so similar from which I straight comes. had which of walmart, only that suzhou there today completely buy was…
weather like always. warmly and damp
Monday super stressig flown to changsha. nix by the work seen, there flight too late and we directly in the hotel, where also the meeting was. went then 5 granting, foil show. in the evening eat still together. me hat's tasted. the Chinese gemeckert. but those cannot richen themselves somehow anyway correctly, from the coast and of “middle OF nowhere”. stress already gave with the taxifahrern. those wanted to abzocken us all. there one could watch megathird among Chinese times beautifully. delicious.
everything in the everything completely interesting meets. hotel nevertheless so lala, more light than its. in front hui, in the back pfui. me war's all the same.
Tuesday back and still in the office. afterwards at home dead in the bed please.
today all o.k., as said, buy been…
tja, how one goes as an illiterate to buy? correctly, one looks at oneself everything! is useful nix only if one does not know things. or one does not see, wie's in the packing looks. completely simple e.g. hires like salt (for Italian (!) noodles, perhaps a fake?). is packed up in more pappapier. beautiful multicolored characters drauf. me then Chinese looked for, who looked, as if can it English. that helped me then.
thus that could be done grant two now. and with 10 bags to the taxi. directly forwards entrance me to mine let drive that is called in's compound. guard service did not want to clean-let first the taxi, only, when it was allowed on the passenger seat, i.e. on me, to have looked, it purely. also somehow stupidly.
vacates times ten giant bags into an elevator, which does not have locking for the doors. that is merry! seemed to me as with “understands it fun”.
but now is everything above.
much organistorisches in the office made. arranged etc. was subject for z-visa.
then our secretary with a giant problem came! I must have visiting cards nevertheless! but: do not mean names into Chinese characters to translate go so simply, actually not at all. to one-one does not go anyway, but the syllables should sound themselves nevertheless in such a way, like my genuine name. and the syllables must make still another sense, and then also still for the correct! naja, for a long time, short sense talks: it which invented, which could fit, then became Mrs. (woman employees) - advice call up and the decision for well found.
shortly thus nor to write let alone understand knows visiting cards with a name, which I neither express,…! it will here then show…
yesterday tries to program the remote maintenance and time switch clock of the air conditioning system despite Chinese indications. a while ago come into the dwelling… and… it was actually cool! tschakka!
today three words learned Chinese. “wait left”, “well, correctly” and “!” kann's however do not note, only nachgeplappert.
weather like always. warmly and damp
Monday super stressig flown to changsha. nix by the work seen, there flight too late and we directly in the hotel, where also the meeting was. went then 5 granting, foil show. in the evening eat still together. me hat's tasted. the Chinese gemeckert. but those cannot richen themselves somehow anyway correctly, from the coast and of “middle OF nowhere”. stress already gave with the taxifahrern. those wanted to abzocken us all. there one could watch megathird among Chinese times beautifully. delicious.
everything in the everything completely interesting meets. hotel nevertheless so lala, more light than its. in front hui, in the back pfui. me war's all the same.
Tuesday back and still in the office. afterwards at home dead in the bed please.
today all o.k., as said, buy been…
tja, how one goes as an illiterate to buy? correctly, one looks at oneself everything! is useful nix only if one does not know things. or one does not see, wie's in the packing looks. completely simple e.g. hires like salt (for Italian (!) noodles, perhaps a fake?). is packed up in more pappapier. beautiful multicolored characters drauf. me then Chinese looked for, who looked, as if can it English. that helped me then.
thus that could be done grant two now. and with 10 bags to the taxi. directly forwards entrance me to mine let drive that is called in's compound. guard service did not want to clean-let first the taxi, only, when it was allowed on the passenger seat, i.e. on me, to have looked, it purely. also somehow stupidly.
vacates times ten giant bags into an elevator, which does not have locking for the doors. that is merry! seemed to me as with “understands it fun”.
but now is everything above.
much organistorisches in the office made. arranged etc. was subject for z-visa.
then our secretary with a giant problem came! I must have visiting cards nevertheless! but: do not mean names into Chinese characters to translate go so simply, actually not at all. to one-one does not go anyway, but the syllables should sound themselves nevertheless in such a way, like my genuine name. and the syllables must make still another sense, and then also still for the correct! naja, for a long time, short sense talks: it which invented, which could fit, then became Mrs. (woman employees) - advice call up and the decision for well found.
shortly thus nor to write let alone understand knows visiting cards with a name, which I neither express,…! it will here then show…
yesterday tries to program the remote maintenance and time switch clock of the air conditioning system despite Chinese indications. a while ago come into the dwelling… and… it was actually cool! tschakka!
today three words learned Chinese. “wait left”, “well, correctly” and “!” kann's however do not note, only nachgeplappert.

32°, cloudy to covers, damp
the taifun is abgezwischert. much storm and move here. but otherwise probably nix bad. in shanghai the water up to the knöcheln and humans stood are around probably live come. a bretterbude fell down.
here stand few advertisement-describe krum.
are evenly straight times on the balcony. the damp heat took almost the breath to me.
it had actually thought that I go shopping possibly today the most necessary. are however not safe me whether einkaufsmalls today on have. gerüchteweise already. but I cannot make clear to the taxifahrer also, where I want. and today a driver ABC hedges seems to me then nevertheless exaggerated.
well, then Wednesday times the situation checken.
tomorrow morning geht's to shanghai national airport. from there after changsha. for one afternoon. sales meeting. Tuesday again back. so quatsch. but at least the hotel should be class.
afterwards again to shihui plaza! thus the mickrige purchase opportunity calls itself. I saw from the outside that there is also a kitchen there. times look. no cutlery has here. but those will probably have a few stäbchen. folds completely well with the stäbchen. in the cafeteria of fork on stäbchen umgeswitcht. but if one does to rice before to the meat with sauce, then he falls apart. then goes nix more with stäbchen. a sticking into snatch, into the sauce tunken thus always break and directly down thereby! eat then klappt's also with.
in the pictures of Saturday one sees that I live in a new building-quarter in sip (suzhou industrial park). has which of (hochklassigen) diskbuilt. but that is the last word for “good” and expensive lives here. rather near to my work. work bus will continue here now probably specially for me. times see, ob's folds. those stretches is nearly too short for taxi.
however consider, whether I make real with the bicycle, or an electrical bicycle. is here the racer! one sees scooters with petrol engines as not at all good here as. received probably for the city no permission because of air. wheel-drive with the heat? well, times look. me will times ask around. go also always times few coworker back to Germany. perhaps one drop there favorably with. although the bicycles to be again already very low-priced are. “mountainbikes giant out taiwan costs here with everything drum and to probably around the 500€. is not worth however, there after one week geklaut. me in the model “will concentrate flying deaf” or “sea gull”. again starting from ~200rmb. one says.
evenly the stromkabel came for DSL modem. very much class. equivalent times “Saturday” high-loaded.
and also there tv-map is. very reliably the agent troop.
and also there tv-map is. very reliably the agent troop.
30°, very windy, sometimes move, very stifling
around 10 from tim wang, the broker, in the hotel one fetched. now I sit in the dwelling and feel naturally still a little strange. there in principle Internet is not, but actually. a stromkabel is missing. the before inhabitant probably carried forward. one promised me that a new is brought tomorrow. see well, times.
exactly the same with the tv-map. has in the bedroom sow tv. naturally with cracked, falsified pay tv map. but straight does not funzt. as far as I understood, are these boxes at the telephone network/Internet wg. verification, or so. and now there is to be any virus in the tv-box. (probably coding/decoding, as with premiere… admits only none was changed for the tv-station at that time). now' s gives first times ‚only' cable tv. Chinese stop. but on cctv9' s gives English realigns. and on cctv5 much sport. also federal league. gerüchteweise also federal league live. give on Sunday of target lautern against schalke live. see times….new pay tv map for more international tv is to give' s also tomorrow. (I assume that ‚' in reality ‚' is called sometime or never tomorrow).
in housing delivery an after participated sales manager. I am to contact that, if' s gave any problem („and those come… “). recent type from Austria. everything explained to me and showed, where I mean electricity bill, my telephone, my water etc. pay can. where I harsh-come drinking water etc. am with me still a little here in the quarter rumgefahren, in order me the bank and government office centers to show.
' s made completely good. is somehow independent and cared for here the foreign inhabitants/customers. thus, if their times contact needs to the housing agent….I have the visiting card. he speaks also well Chinese.
wanted to know, what actually costs so my dwelling. so between 5000-6000 rmb. thus approx. 500-600€. ok, heap money.
now I know also, hardly Chinese live why here (I did not see so many humans here anyway yet. if, then very well paid! sales manager said which of normal average salaries of ~1300rmb! with it in office. a woman employee, who could English, would get 2000rmb. there one lives here naturally with German content very privileged. (above all, if the company pays the dwelling).
here a few first pictures… become times all pictures sometime somewhere in the Internet placing. you get then one left…
after 8 meet to me then slowly the cash went out. has in the time believe it or not approx. 300 rmb on the head gehauen…
thus supply had ago. around hits a corner is a bank, which clear-comes with German kinds of hitting a corner. is not everywhere like that. (own experience out shanghai).
now, in the dwelling were still two ayis (“ayi” - „aunt “), which made more or less clean. (rather less, one will probably procure business to me over' s). ok, a problem, those are not to continue stop alone here,…
tja, when I came again….the bude was eliminated….nee! quatsch!! fun!!
the ladies were finished….and wanted to have gone already long, could not however not, since the housing door is to be opened also from the outside without keys. i.e. they sat there thus so long, in order to wait for me, so that I can close then the door from the inside. … however I find the poorest good that they remembered.
the week has I the last two spent themselves „mirrors “down-loaded. those I will do myself now instead of Internet.
move falls horizontally. wind is rather strong. but the cyclists drive still… cannot thus *so* badly not be…
evenly they said in to watch television that it is to become still a little worse probably tomorrow. are waiting times.
has hardly which in the house to to eat. but around seems a mini market hits a corner to be. there' s probably which ‚on the hand' will give…
ok, wanted to see nevertheless times a genuine taifun… and in addition had I hunger. there was nevertheless such a small market with kitchen down. TC, I dare myself raus? obviously!
after exactly one second my small knirps umbrella was broken. peng, inverted and two strive broken. : -)
naja, one can buy in addition. but was not worthwhile oneself somehow. because market had made straight too. super! umbrella in vain sacrificed. are then to a completely small shop, was directly in sew. assortment as at a German refuels. before loud hunger grind first times a few chips and few doses a beer bought.
24rmb. prost!
around 10 from tim wang, the broker, in the hotel one fetched. now I sit in the dwelling and feel naturally still a little strange. there in principle Internet is not, but actually. a stromkabel is missing. the before inhabitant probably carried forward. one promised me that a new is brought tomorrow. see well, times.
exactly the same with the tv-map. has in the bedroom sow tv. naturally with cracked, falsified pay tv map. but straight does not funzt. as far as I understood, are these boxes at the telephone network/Internet wg. verification, or so. and now there is to be any virus in the tv-box. (probably coding/decoding, as with premiere… admits only none was changed for the tv-station at that time). now' s gives first times ‚only' cable tv. Chinese stop. but on cctv9' s gives English realigns. and on cctv5 much sport. also federal league. gerüchteweise also federal league live. give on Sunday of target lautern against schalke live. see times….new pay tv map for more international tv is to give' s also tomorrow. (I assume that ‚' in reality ‚' is called sometime or never tomorrow).
in housing delivery an after participated sales manager. I am to contact that, if' s gave any problem („and those come… “). recent type from Austria. everything explained to me and showed, where I mean electricity bill, my telephone, my water etc. pay can. where I harsh-come drinking water etc. am with me still a little here in the quarter rumgefahren, in order me the bank and government office centers to show.
' s made completely good. is somehow independent and cared for here the foreign inhabitants/customers. thus, if their times contact needs to the housing agent….I have the visiting card. he speaks also well Chinese.
wanted to know, what actually costs so my dwelling. so between 5000-6000 rmb. thus approx. 500-600€. ok, heap money.
now I know also, hardly Chinese live why here (I did not see so many humans here anyway yet. if, then very well paid! sales manager said which of normal average salaries of ~1300rmb! with it in office. a woman employee, who could English, would get 2000rmb. there one lives here naturally with German content very privileged. (above all, if the company pays the dwelling).
here a few first pictures… become times all pictures sometime somewhere in the Internet placing. you get then one left…
after 8 meet to me then slowly the cash went out. has in the time believe it or not approx. 300 rmb on the head gehauen…
thus supply had ago. around hits a corner is a bank, which clear-comes with German kinds of hitting a corner. is not everywhere like that. (own experience out shanghai).
now, in the dwelling were still two ayis (“ayi” - „aunt “), which made more or less clean. (rather less, one will probably procure business to me over' s). ok, a problem, those are not to continue stop alone here,…
tja, when I came again….the bude was eliminated….nee! quatsch!! fun!!
the ladies were finished….and wanted to have gone already long, could not however not, since the housing door is to be opened also from the outside without keys. i.e. they sat there thus so long, in order to wait for me, so that I can close then the door from the inside. … however I find the poorest good that they remembered.
the week has I the last two spent themselves „mirrors “down-loaded. those I will do myself now instead of Internet.
move falls horizontally. wind is rather strong. but the cyclists drive still… cannot thus *so* badly not be…
evenly they said in to watch television that it is to become still a little worse probably tomorrow. are waiting times.
has hardly which in the house to to eat. but around seems a mini market hits a corner to be. there' s probably which ‚on the hand' will give…
ok, wanted to see nevertheless times a genuine taifun… and in addition had I hunger. there was nevertheless such a small market with kitchen down. TC, I dare myself raus? obviously!
after exactly one second my small knirps umbrella was broken. peng, inverted and two strive broken. : -)
naja, one can buy in addition. but was not worthwhile oneself somehow. because market had made straight too. super! umbrella in vain sacrificed. are then to a completely small shop, was directly in sew. assortment as at a German refuels. before loud hunger grind first times a few chips and few doses a beer bought.
24rmb. prost!
warmly, 30°, very windy (see below)
today times without umlauts:
this morning in it see watching television did that a taifun (typhoon?) to shanghai to come is. and then possibly to the west of shanghai by-pull possibly becomes….
well class. what means it, what lies to the west of shanghai? clearly, suzhou. that can become cheerful. if, then he impacts so against Sunday.
the round orangene thing down right…
I can see alike times, how the Chinese multistoried buildings will bear in such a way. perhaps already times rubber boots and should umbrella procure…?
I believe, I am pursued.
here all day long an older lady rum jumps. always with a putzeimer, a cloth and a wiping mop in the hand. each day, all day long. with an open-plan office for approx. 50 people. those must also dead-strike the time. but deseams somehow always in mine sew.
I smile at it always nicely, and she also back… is determines a feeler gauge, hihi…
since we vacate here in rented outside of the work reside, a shuttle bus always drives to the work. also, in order to come in time to the cafeteria. o'clock drives off here at 12. and which means it, who always mitfaert? exactly, our finery devil… however: always with their finery things in the hand. their wiping mop carries along everywhere… very amusingly. is determines a secret laser weapon.
in all other respects the guard service always rides along. no notion why. clearly, to eat… however comes me also as a little as protect forwards. the bus driver lets also always which from those sign. yet behind the fact it did not rise whether protect or guard us…
but always very friendly. I believe, in Europeans do not dare those also so correctly ran. ever my bag did not have to show at the gate of the hauptwerk, with Chinese I had already several times observed that. but probably external, no coworkers?
here in the office there is good soul. our secretary. I go because of everyone shit to it. e.g. with it it me hand written Chinese on “pressure-Chinese” writes and equivalent still the translation in addition. (and latin the letters! so-called “pinyin”, so a kind lautsprache, but somehow then nevertheless again not. in any case “Chinese in Latin writing”) otherwise I can mailen nobody from you my new address. those could naturally never read you. and for the thick packages, which will send their to me all, it does not use anything, which abzumalen Chinese characters. that never folds! : -)
also she said to me with the cars. I am to address mine nevertheless boss, but say nothing of the fact that *sie* to it drew the attention of me. and I can make no bulk buying nevertheless, without a driver. as long as I do not have a car. it has the sovereignty over the driver pool. if I want to buy on weekend, then I am to only say. it sends then one to me dares… much class. taxi will go also… so inexpensive, if one compares it with Germany.
she speaks good German, without in Germany to have ever been.
here it is confirmed again the fact that one rather the secretaries when, on its side must have the bosses. without this contact nothing at all does not go. is probably world-wide valid.
jaja, I see already your comments: to the calming: is probably already older (can I estimate, straight bad with Asians) and married. to anticipate (only times over the comment of marcus!)
in all other respects I speak here nearly 50/50 German and English. are nevertheless some Chinese here, who can genuinly well German. are surprised!
I believe that I can do to some extent well English, but toppen me here nearly all. respect. with have they learn probably genuinly an iron discipline and sake strong. this is to be however at the future location in changsha different?! , the Chinese say here of the coast. I believe, the local Chinese look down a little upon upon " m the country. (does not want with “the Chinese” to generalize, my thereby my colleagues, with whom I me here maintenance) also one can hardly understand those. such an amusing dialect! reminds me of mine at home in Karlsruhe and my origin from the north… haha.
here it seems to be however worse. not only dialect, but correctly different language? colleague means, it would understand only 20-30%.
well class, asked today times for a Chinese teacher. that can save I then nearly…
evenly it begins to rain. and becomes also completely beautifully windy. probably already are the harbingers of the eddy tower….oh that is exciting.
then wird's afterwards heavily to get a taxi.
are straight to superior, what I need for the new dwelling… determine other bedlinen, a large broad mattress is. there does not fit my mitbebrachtes things drauf. there it occurs to me that that is probably a 1,90m mattress… that is here standard… ohje, that which will give… naja, will times look.
with the river also so a thing becomes. in the hotel I used adapters. had at the rezeption. only times loud it thought that I became braeuchte the perhaps… schwupps called of yselin a driver, “loosely, procures”. evenly it came back and it to me brought. 10 yuan…
“I am and not to be been versed” will have there one strangely here me nevertheless to support.
thus I will never become acquainted with the country. but probably they want only that I work enough and do not deliver me with so useless of things…
or however they wanted to save me that instead of 10yuan 20 are unbuttoned to a foreigner… was to also occur.
wenn's on weekend in such a way to storm should, then I will do myself times Chinese course on CD to mine. it does not believe that that brings much. to receive but around times a feeling for it.
see well, times. wanted to actually go shopping on weekend into the city and. auf's weather arrives however now drauf.
today times without umlauts:
this morning in it see watching television did that a taifun (typhoon?) to shanghai to come is. and then possibly to the west of shanghai by-pull possibly becomes….
well class. what means it, what lies to the west of shanghai? clearly, suzhou. that can become cheerful. if, then he impacts so against Sunday.
the round orangene thing down right…
I can see alike times, how the Chinese multistoried buildings will bear in such a way. perhaps already times rubber boots and should umbrella procure…?
I believe, I am pursued.
here all day long an older lady rum jumps. always with a putzeimer, a cloth and a wiping mop in the hand. each day, all day long. with an open-plan office for approx. 50 people. those must also dead-strike the time. but deseams somehow always in mine sew.
I smile at it always nicely, and she also back… is determines a feeler gauge, hihi…
since we vacate here in rented outside of the work reside, a shuttle bus always drives to the work. also, in order to come in time to the cafeteria. o'clock drives off here at 12. and which means it, who always mitfaert? exactly, our finery devil… however: always with their finery things in the hand. their wiping mop carries along everywhere… very amusingly. is determines a secret laser weapon.
in all other respects the guard service always rides along. no notion why. clearly, to eat… however comes me also as a little as protect forwards. the bus driver lets also always which from those sign. yet behind the fact it did not rise whether protect or guard us…
but always very friendly. I believe, in Europeans do not dare those also so correctly ran. ever my bag did not have to show at the gate of the hauptwerk, with Chinese I had already several times observed that. but probably external, no coworkers?
here in the office there is good soul. our secretary. I go because of everyone shit to it. e.g. with it it me hand written Chinese on “pressure-Chinese” writes and equivalent still the translation in addition. (and latin the letters! so-called “pinyin”, so a kind lautsprache, but somehow then nevertheless again not. in any case “Chinese in Latin writing”) otherwise I can mailen nobody from you my new address. those could naturally never read you. and for the thick packages, which will send their to me all, it does not use anything, which abzumalen Chinese characters. that never folds! : -)
also she said to me with the cars. I am to address mine nevertheless boss, but say nothing of the fact that *sie* to it drew the attention of me. and I can make no bulk buying nevertheless, without a driver. as long as I do not have a car. it has the sovereignty over the driver pool. if I want to buy on weekend, then I am to only say. it sends then one to me dares… much class. taxi will go also… so inexpensive, if one compares it with Germany.
she speaks good German, without in Germany to have ever been.
here it is confirmed again the fact that one rather the secretaries when, on its side must have the bosses. without this contact nothing at all does not go. is probably world-wide valid.
jaja, I see already your comments: to the calming: is probably already older (can I estimate, straight bad with Asians) and married. to anticipate (only times over the comment of marcus!)
in all other respects I speak here nearly 50/50 German and English. are nevertheless some Chinese here, who can genuinly well German. are surprised!
I believe that I can do to some extent well English, but toppen me here nearly all. respect. with have they learn probably genuinly an iron discipline and sake strong. this is to be however at the future location in changsha different?! , the Chinese say here of the coast. I believe, the local Chinese look down a little upon upon " m the country. (does not want with “the Chinese” to generalize, my thereby my colleagues, with whom I me here maintenance) also one can hardly understand those. such an amusing dialect! reminds me of mine at home in Karlsruhe and my origin from the north… haha.
here it seems to be however worse. not only dialect, but correctly different language? colleague means, it would understand only 20-30%.
well class, asked today times for a Chinese teacher. that can save I then nearly…
evenly it begins to rain. and becomes also completely beautifully windy. probably already are the harbingers of the eddy tower….oh that is exciting.
then wird's afterwards heavily to get a taxi.
are straight to superior, what I need for the new dwelling… determine other bedlinen, a large broad mattress is. there does not fit my mitbebrachtes things drauf. there it occurs to me that that is probably a 1,90m mattress… that is here standard… ohje, that which will give… naja, will times look.
with the river also so a thing becomes. in the hotel I used adapters. had at the rezeption. only times loud it thought that I became braeuchte the perhaps… schwupps called of yselin a driver, “loosely, procures”. evenly it came back and it to me brought. 10 yuan…
“I am and not to be been versed” will have there one strangely here me nevertheless to support.
thus I will never become acquainted with the country. but probably they want only that I work enough and do not deliver me with so useless of things…
or however they wanted to save me that instead of 10yuan 20 are unbuttoned to a foreigner… was to also occur.
wenn's on weekend in such a way to storm should, then I will do myself times Chinese course on CD to mine. it does not believe that that brings much. to receive but around times a feeling for it.
see well, times. wanted to actually go shopping on weekend into the city and. auf's weather arrives however now drauf.
34°, covered, stifling, looks like to move
this morning me looked at two dwellings.
the one was nix. too small.
the other completely ok. May sonnets with guest room, bedroom, living room (right after the housing door as in America), kitchen for liliputaner, small bath, balcony. full-equipped. two televisions, air condition, water donor, dvd, Internet.
12 stick. approx. 50qm.
I will take those. for 5 months a good choice. Saturday is introduction, then gibts a few pictures.
today arrived my office stuff from Germany. not yet there my klammotten, which were loose-sent one week in former times, is. strangely, probably still hang in the tariff. there nothing at all special is in it, except few bottles a wine. those will probably have gegönnt themselves the zöllner, and do not look now any longer, where the cardboards actually are…
this evening I have correctly hunger. however (still) no desire has, into the city too dackeln. for it still so much has time. in the hotel will eat.
although I at noon today already ate in the cafeteria. in vain and lecker, really.
taxi-fahrer has today correctly rausgegeben.
this morning me looked at two dwellings.
the one was nix. too small.
the other completely ok. May sonnets with guest room, bedroom, living room (right after the housing door as in America), kitchen for liliputaner, small bath, balcony. full-equipped. two televisions, air condition, water donor, dvd, Internet.
12 stick. approx. 50qm.
I will take those. for 5 months a good choice. Saturday is introduction, then gibts a few pictures.
today arrived my office stuff from Germany. not yet there my klammotten, which were loose-sent one week in former times, is. strangely, probably still hang in the tariff. there nothing at all special is in it, except few bottles a wine. those will probably have gegönnt themselves the zöllner, and do not look now any longer, where the cardboards actually are…
this evening I have correctly hunger. however (still) no desire has, into the city too dackeln. for it still so much has time. in the hotel will eat.
although I at noon today already ate in the cafeteria. in vain and lecker, really.
taxi-fahrer has today correctly rausgegeben.

covered, 35°, moistens air (temperatures have still air upward, said one to me)
humans, there he has me nevertheless evenly genuinly beschissen. yuan it has 1 me less rausgeben… tja. with a price of transportation of 15yuan (1,50€) for a quarter a genuine impact grants in the kontor…
but it concerns to stop the principle, gell?!
drauf in all other respects always it respects whether they are jubilant you counterfeit money. does not happen to me (still). however always see, how the taxi-fahrer look exactly, which with seems is the matter. thus probably potential danger…
the time in the office passes super fast. still. stop imprints new colleagues and new.
yesterday was the whole department eat. mega geil!! determines ten courses (rather more).
no notion, which all this was. but the hammer was Peking duck! knew you that of it only strikes in thin touched one abgeschnippelt? then into small fladen with vegetable and sauce wound. looks as mini yufka kebab. and madly lecker! the hammer!
jet-lay seems to be also past…
yesterday a few beers and then well slept. this morning then fit been.
tomorrow I look at myself first apartment. perhaps klappt's already on weekend with the removal. hotel is ok… however own dwelling is naturally much better. then I will buy also soon a bicycle.
my boss meant, I was to make the Chinese driving licence nevertheless. but to do not drive has I no desire… am life tired nevertheless here! do not explain are enough, must you to have seen…
ADD: there it notices to me nevertheless that it is safer in the car than auf'm bicycle… must again more drüber think.
examination seems to be simple. theory part the driving teacher fills out, practice part is called at locked place in-parks and a circle drives, or so similarly…
times look,… if it itself devoted should….
here straight seem to be remaining 3 car of the department. whether I one to take do not want…? one believes that?! but neenee, leave I rather.
so, here still another picture, evenly straight from my room made. nix dolles to show but over that around seven is already stick dark…
with straight must write me again to change over. in the business English keyboard and here German… (, I try the 10-finger system!)
first day

sunny, 35°, felt 40° with determines 101%-Luftfeuchtigkeit. goes however probably still more…!
was already times in May in the work and knew wo's goes.
exactly, “knew”, because meanwhile the whole department is not from the work taken off and specially vacates nearly at the “other one ends to the city” rented… one to me anything had only said. naja, then somehow a description into the hand continue to get and with the taxi. there giant bürokomplex, but without sign.
one “bewacherin” addressed and to my firm document of identification pointed. “, there in the back directly” (on Chinese). clearly, there was only nix!
again back. still handy number of a Chinese colleague had. that I called and then the telephone of the woman into the hand pressed… am enough talk short sense: it had at all no notion.
colleague came then with the taxi to me and me the correct away showed.
so, it let note equal me:
everything clearly?!
notebook gab's also directly, but still without entrance to the Chinese firm net. me then in Germany in-selected, in order to be able to work somehow at least a little. in choice went granting approx. 1.5… then had I first mails on the computer. if stop is longer away, so half around the world.
otherwise completely good beginning… is contently… Monday right after changsha, sales meeting with high Mr. (European). my boss meant that it will probably go then in the evening into one karaoke bar. see well, times!
yesterday night at all no eye added! I do not have partout to sleep read there could, now am I k.o and go directly to bed to half sieved. hopefully I have tomorrow then the correct rhythm.
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