… oh man! here now two are o'clock at night. nix loosely on the roads…
I cannot sleep! excited and jet-lay.
look watch television, cnn and Germans waves. times someone can say to me, why *deutsche* waves in English sends?!
straight has my best friend axel called… thanks!
with frauke already telephones and to ge-sms-t… “i.d.a.”
actually know you that their over “skype” (www.skype.com) under the user name “drfist2001” over Internet can call me?! if you you announce (is free!) and a head set have, can we in vain (!) telephone! funtioniert amazingly well!
times looked, but except two nobody of usern knew. (my father and a colleague).
Friday, April 6, 2007
so, has few to grant slept… was completely beautiful k.o.
brutally damp-hot here, sowas I did not experience yet.
at shanghai arrived good. my luggage came nearly as the first on' s bound.
form for health delivered, that was not times looked at. I wanted to cough to me then nevertheless tricks from fun a little, but. I believe, with which is not to spassen. also delivered, there I did not know customs declaration whether I should not indicate laptop… have those interested, although I had times noted' s. then they wanted to know, what in my aluminum suit-case is („business stuff “!) and which in my large aluminum crate („clothes and of shoes “!). o.k. „welcome ton China “(none clean-looked). giant trolley did not interest at all.
collection folded super. one was there, with a sign. me equal eingesackt. with me still another Chinese trainee from Berlin was fetched. it will remain into suzhou a half year. we delivered it somewhere then in suzhou in one compound, where it will live in one wg.
he spoke genuinly super German, after four years Germany… so people with us used, there also still industrial engineer. that makes career in China…
I was driven then into the hotel „gloria “. completely o.k., but nothing special. air conditioning runs full pulle.
apparent is reserved for six nights. ok, then I probably end next week mine appartment (or whatever) to refer to be able.
on the room I gekriegt a little the crisis (probably because of the fatigue). had genuinly a small through trailer.
now' s again to some extent goes. tries to sleep directly again, in order jet-lay to loose-will.
in all other respects do I have the room number “444”, how was again with to misfortune-pay?
if their that everything to read here can do then to' s in the hotel also an Internet connection will give. (30Y on the day, 3€)
directly goes to me akku out… and which I determine? the battery charger notebooks has “greases” plugs. that does not fit here… equivalent times rezeption called. those bring an adapter. times sees, what costs…?!
ah, now I see also that one can change the time here in the Web log… great.
but I thought, here am we six grant (so is it also) with the time belt attitudes am it however here ahead seven grant? probably is because of the summer time in Europe?!
thus, for the moment there six grants ahead. can you you that notice?
brutally damp-hot here, sowas I did not experience yet.
at shanghai arrived good. my luggage came nearly as the first on' s bound.
form for health delivered, that was not times looked at. I wanted to cough to me then nevertheless tricks from fun a little, but. I believe, with which is not to spassen. also delivered, there I did not know customs declaration whether I should not indicate laptop… have those interested, although I had times noted' s. then they wanted to know, what in my aluminum suit-case is („business stuff “!) and which in my large aluminum crate („clothes and of shoes “!). o.k. „welcome ton China “(none clean-looked). giant trolley did not interest at all.
collection folded super. one was there, with a sign. me equal eingesackt. with me still another Chinese trainee from Berlin was fetched. it will remain into suzhou a half year. we delivered it somewhere then in suzhou in one compound, where it will live in one wg.
he spoke genuinly super German, after four years Germany… so people with us used, there also still industrial engineer. that makes career in China…
I was driven then into the hotel „gloria “. completely o.k., but nothing special. air conditioning runs full pulle.
apparent is reserved for six nights. ok, then I probably end next week mine appartment (or whatever) to refer to be able.
on the room I gekriegt a little the crisis (probably because of the fatigue). had genuinly a small through trailer.
now' s again to some extent goes. tries to sleep directly again, in order jet-lay to loose-will.
in all other respects do I have the room number “444”, how was again with to misfortune-pay?
if their that everything to read here can do then to' s in the hotel also an Internet connection will give. (30Y on the day, 3€)
directly goes to me akku out… and which I determine? the battery charger notebooks has “greases” plugs. that does not fit here… equivalent times rezeption called. those bring an adapter. times sees, what costs…?!
ah, now I see also that one can change the time here in the Web log… great.
but I thought, here am we six grant (so is it also) with the time belt attitudes am it however here ahead seven grant? probably is because of the summer time in Europe?!
thus, for the moment there six grants ahead. can you you that notice?
Chinese breakfast
30.07.05 9:30 Chinese time (3: 30 after German time)
still in air over north China
one, straight was so beautifully fallen asleep I… despite ventilation noise etc.…
and now' s light goes to trubel to and fully here in the cab…
now the Chinese breakfast threatens… however I nevertheless only the blödchen will then do itself…
Chinese breakfast and I that does not fit. are anyway no more largely more esser in the morning, but in China I will cure probably completely it to me… main thing coffee! (I packed up!)
still in air over north China
one, straight was so beautifully fallen asleep I… despite ventilation noise etc.…
and now' s light goes to trubel to and fully here in the cab…
now the Chinese breakfast threatens… however I nevertheless only the blödchen will then do itself…
Chinese breakfast and I that does not fit. are anyway no more largely more esser in the morning, but in China I will cure probably completely it to me… main thing coffee! (I packed up!)

(times someone can say to me, where with mircosoft word the automatic large lower case correction goes out????)
whereupon second cognac (remy martin, one hardly believes it)
google earth… I see started there that Leningrad is called pc. Petersburg now… as embarrassingly… however in the airplane display stands still Leningrad.
takeoff 2
it wanted to note only times that I sat straight in a brand-new business class, with megachairs etc.
ok, of headphone drops already an ear, but no matter, because it anyway hardly comes understandable of things….
main thing the airplane does not fall still which other one off…
business class is occupied only to 2/3. and, one hardly believes it….5 children… must be? for those would be economy still luxury, which concerns the place.
that costs! families do not see however in such a way thicken out… completely normal people actually.
supplement: I believe, there the fathers job-moderately to China went, and the family had also.
oh, it sees that I mean „mirrors “at the airport lie-let… arggghhh, had I already drauf been pleased had. but the girls at the entrance the lounge have all shanghai fliers proclaimed that one is nevertheless now please already completely fast to the boron thing, it would go in former times loosely… well, into hektik then to bar lie calmly… at least the daily papers eingesackt….
worse gives…
now were subject for enter distributed, which must fill out everyone.
there I am to indicate among other things whether I have AIDS etc.
and which I bring along on valuable of things.
am I to indicate laptop there now to mine? actually everything that than 5000 yuan is more expensive (~500€). But afterwards I must pay tariff on it…? times „NO has “marked, times to see, what happens.
now here does the light go out… sleeping time? over briefly after 21uhr?
well, straight times one cognac orders… becomes to tired (b-C is like that class!)
later perhaps once again more….
oh, straight fly we over Leningrad away….
directly times a photo make… whether' s which becomes?
ok, of headphone drops already an ear, but no matter, because it anyway hardly comes understandable of things….
main thing the airplane does not fall still which other one off…
business class is occupied only to 2/3. and, one hardly believes it….5 children… must be? for those would be economy still luxury, which concerns the place.
that costs! families do not see however in such a way thicken out… completely normal people actually.
supplement: I believe, there the fathers job-moderately to China went, and the family had also.
oh, it sees that I mean „mirrors “at the airport lie-let… arggghhh, had I already drauf been pleased had. but the girls at the entrance the lounge have all shanghai fliers proclaimed that one is nevertheless now please already completely fast to the boron thing, it would go in former times loosely… well, into hektik then to bar lie calmly… at least the daily papers eingesackt….
worse gives…
now were subject for enter distributed, which must fill out everyone.
there I am to indicate among other things whether I have AIDS etc.
and which I bring along on valuable of things.
am I to indicate laptop there now to mine? actually everything that than 5000 yuan is more expensive (~500€). But afterwards I must pay tariff on it…? times „NO has “marked, times to see, what happens.
now here does the light go out… sleeping time? over briefly after 21uhr?
well, straight times one cognac orders… becomes to tired (b-C is like that class!)
later perhaps once again more….
oh, straight fly we over Leningrad away….
directly times a photo make… whether' s which becomes?

business the lounge sits in (yeh!) and actually it thought that I would have here wlan with Internet entrance, in order to update' s Web logs. but is unfortunately nothing. (for it German daily papers, which there are not certainly with air China….! )
therefore I prescribe here times, in the away log am then another date unfortunately watch. therefore the note above….
straight discharged of frauke… does pain completely beautifully to leave everything behind itself.
well, now the adventure begins!!! ' s in such a way wanted!
in Karlsruhe straight still so 20° here wohlige around the 35° had, air conditioning system.
in suzhou probably so also to the 35°, but 100% air humidity determine….! are waiting times….
So, the flight called… must loosely!
in air 20:41 (German time)
for what do I have actually a laptop, even if I use it not as such?
according to entertainment screen fly we straight over lettland (or litauen, or estland…? no notion!).
therefore I prescribe here times, in the away log am then another date unfortunately watch. therefore the note above….
straight discharged of frauke… does pain completely beautifully to leave everything behind itself.
well, now the adventure begins!!! ' s in such a way wanted!
in Karlsruhe straight still so 20° here wohlige around the 35° had, air conditioning system.
in suzhou probably so also to the 35°, but 100% air humidity determine….! are waiting times….
So, the flight called… must loosely!
in air 20:41 (German time)
for what do I have actually a laptop, even if I use it not as such?
according to entertainment screen fly we straight over lettland (or litauen, or estland…? no notion!).

now geht's equivalent loosely!
all, which gave me really nice words also on that away, first times a thick large “thank you!”
directly geht's to the airport and then am I away…
announce me here, as soon as I have over there somewhere Internet entrance…
up to then
your Marks
now geht's equivalent loosely!
all, which gave me really nice words also on that away, first times a thick large “thank you!”
directly geht's to the airport and then am I away…
announce me here, as soon as I have over there somewhere Internet entrance…
up to then
your Marks
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
now I ironed to the twenty shirts and try her straight knitterfrei together to add and pack up… I to iron itself there genuinly have given could…
straight sits before two large suit-cases and wars the crisis.
which I am to carry forward, which leave there. do I buy everything over there or like where which…?
klamottentechnisch one gets everything in China (everything one asks the price) is only unfortunately actually I 193cm largely, there wird's… and shoe size 45 is close also at everyone does not hit a corner to have…
but I probably take anyway much too much with… help however much much! rather in vain things carried along, than afterwards something to miss…
now I ironed to the twenty shirts and try her straight knitterfrei together to add and pack up… I to iron itself there genuinly have given could…
straight sits before two large suit-cases and wars the crisis.
which I am to carry forward, which leave there. do I buy everything over there or like where which…?
klamottentechnisch one gets everything in China (everything one asks the price) is only unfortunately actually I 193cm largely, there wird's… and shoe size 45 is close also at everyone does not hit a corner to have…
but I probably take anyway much too much with… help however much much! rather in vain things carried along, than afterwards something to miss…
Sunday, April 1, 2007
straight was with the physician. still leave a medicine to use up. do not trust the Chinese treatment (still).
first times 10€ fee, but forced away that the physician me times did not look at. separate only the prescription signed! *so* one zockt off! (who knows, what accounts for afterwards that?!) then still in the pharmacy 10€ prescription fee, for a medicine that probably only 5€ costs…?! grrr….sowas brings me on the palm…
in all other respects into the latter so much money meets spent on “schnickschnack”. passport pictures, things of the DM market etc. of everything that one believes, nor to have had…
soon I am broke…
soon gehts loosely!
tomorrow klamotten to iron and pack begin…
then still another the latter times in “germania” to the “after work picknick”, hopefully plays the weather with…
running gag is “when celebrate you actually separated?” always and everywhere, if I meet people, gibt's a abschiedsbierchen, even if one will see oneself surely still on the next day, or so.
first times 10€ fee, but forced away that the physician me times did not look at. separate only the prescription signed! *so* one zockt off! (who knows, what accounts for afterwards that?!) then still in the pharmacy 10€ prescription fee, for a medicine that probably only 5€ costs…?! grrr….sowas brings me on the palm…
in all other respects into the latter so much money meets spent on “schnickschnack”. passport pictures, things of the DM market etc. of everything that one believes, nor to have had…
soon I am broke…
soon gehts loosely!
tomorrow klamotten to iron and pack begin…
then still another the latter times in “germania” to the “after work picknick”, hopefully plays the weather with…
running gag is “when celebrate you actually separated?” always and everywhere, if I meet people, gibt's a abschiedsbierchen, even if one will see oneself surely still on the next day, or so.
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