very stressig. unfortunately no time had to make in the evening private which also was nix with swim in the Mediterranean… unfortunate.
but sea-rush to super hotel had, with sea view and….

tja, has there more or less a job offered gotten… so sch ** ss…
on it (Spain) had nevertheless always speculated, and now I go to eye to China… fit like the fist auf's…
a half year too late or one year too early…
times my generally large interest signaled and on next year… times to see referred, what passes still everything… I would make THAT immediately, without “stomach-hurt”: -)
but I have probably still one travel to Malaysia “won”. probably gives problems with the manufacturing misalignment from Malaysia to China. of it no notion has, but is there the project manager a little “to support”. (rumhängen, rumlabern, smart face make and on the shoulder knock…)
don't see times… tear me drum, but when one comes there otherwise times?
tomorrow forwarding business comes for the klamotten supply to China… equal times my boss said that I do not come at all tomorrow * * into the business… hehe…
but I can then today still on “open air after work party” (which for a word!) from the CATHEDRAL and MOOD, and one to run correctly leave, without an's rise next to think tomorrow…